- People that pronounce the word Chipotle, "Chi-pol-te." Look at the order of the words, people.
- People that use little rolly suitcase looking things to carry their laptop. Seriously, it weighs 3 pounds!!! They spend about 50% more time going anywhere because they have to set it up, worry about cracks in the sidewalk, lift it over curbs, being extra careful when going in and out of doors, etc.
- David Archuleta on American Idol. First off, you won Star Search, so quit acting like this is all a shock to you. Second, the crap about singing "Another Day In Paradise" because there are so many homeless people out there suffering or something like that? Let up dude, you're 17, chill out. Although he is from Utah, so maybe he is actually genuine. Third, is it just me or does he lick his lips every 3.5 seconds while he sings? Watch for it next time.
- The fact that every woman under the age of 26 and lives in Kansas City is married or has a boyfriend.
- People that leave anonymous posts on my blog and don't say their name. Just write your name at the end of the sentence. For example, "Matt, you are funny, smart, and good looking. I desperately want to make love to you - Erin Andrews." If you don't know who Erin Andrews is, please see above. If you don't know who Erin Andrews is and you are a male, once again, turn in your man card.
- Heather and Leah making promises that they don't keep. Ouch!!!!
Matt, you are funny, smart, and good looking. I desperately want to make love to you - Erin Andrews, call me.
Even Nike Girl?? And yes, he does lick his lips a lot. -One of your cousins.
What did one tit say to another?
- I hope we get support soon or people will think we're nuts!
What's the worst part about getting a lung transplant? -The first couple of times you cough, it's not your phlegm...
Top 3 ways to order a pizza..
1. Us CB lingo
2. Tell them to put crust on top this time.
3. Order while using an electric knife sharpner.
Arin Endrews ;)
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