Anyways, here I am at D'Bronx Pizza (home of the tatooed waitress)...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
My Team Is Still Better Than Your Team
Another tournament, another 1st place finish for the Nova's!!! This one was actually pretty sweet, as it is the first time all year that I've had my entire team together (one girl was out w/ an ankle injury for a long time), and they stepped up and played awesome. We beat one number one seed in the semifinals, and then the other number one seed in the finals, which avenged our only loss of the day. Also, when we won the tournament earlier in the year, we had a few replacement players due do some of my girls having other commitments, and it was only a 5 team tournament. This was a ten team tournament w/ much better competition, but the girls played their hearts out and took home the gold. Can you tell I'm proud of them?
I told the girls that if they won, I would wear the medal when I went out that night, and I am a man of my word. I was hoping that it would be a good conversation starter with the ladies, but as usual that didn't really work out. The only people to ask me about it was a tatooed waitress, a middle aged alcoholic homosexual man, a guy that may have been homeless who was so wasted he was talking about his jouvenile diabetes with me (for you Gracelanders, this guy totally would have been friends with Stretch, if that gives you a visual), a pretty hot lady in her mid-twenties who was so drunk she could barely walk who was constantly being hit on by a bunch of black dudes, and a 275 pound black dude in a suit. I really should have gotten pictures with all of these guys, so apologies for not thinking of that at the time.
Anyways, here I am at D'Bronx Pizza (home of the tatooed waitress)... Jimmy's Jigger (home of the gay alchy and diabetes dude)...
...and finally at the Levee (home of drunk girl and the nattily dressed black man).
Jistin convinced us to get some raw oysters while at Jimmy's Jigger (sounds shady, yes, but it's actually the downstairs bar of a really nice New Orleans style restaurant). As you can tell by the look on my face, I was a little skeptical, but they actually weren't bad, all I could really taste was the toppings I put on it. There almost was disaster, though, because they didn't tell me to chew them a little bit, I just tried to shoot the thing down. Well, I have a gag reflex that would make me a horrible gay man, so it almost came up before it really even went down. The next few were smooth sailing, though. And look at that medal shine!!!

Anyways, here I am at D'Bronx Pizza (home of the tatooed waitress)...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter Weekend
Here are some pictures from this weekend, which was jam packed with all sorts of fun. This first pic is of what Uncle Matt got Carter for his first birthday. Yes it was a few weeks ago, but I had a volleyball tournament, so lay off. It's not like I'm the head coach and can set the schedule....oh wait. Nevermind. Anyways, yes, I got Carter a soccer ball and a dish scrubber. Those of you who are fans of my sisters blog know that Carter is a fan of dish scrubbers as toys. We're not quite sure why, but look at him chew away! I also got him a little soccer t-shirt, but not sure if it will fit since Cart-man is a bean pole.
It was either a picture of him naked picking up an Easter egg, or a picture of me doing the same. Just be glad I chose the kid.
Here is the best picture we could get of the Graceland crew that has kids. From left to right, the Bullcomings (my favorite last name of all time), the Hoyts (I'm related), and the Woods (huh huh, I said wood).
Here is Genz and Brett (Jodi's boyfriend). I put this up to prove once again how mature my friends are. Thanks for the finger Genz!!! For those of you keeping score at home, this is the second pic on the blog of him flipping the bird.
Here I am sitting on Jodi. I really don't remember what I'm doing, but if I know myself as well as I think I do, I'm most likely farting.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The American Idol...And What The Hell Happened To Me?
For those of you that don't know, I used to be in a band in high school named Axiom (later changed to Axium after I got kicked out, but that's a whole other story), and the lead singer was none other than American Idol quasi-rocker David Cook. Yes, that is David on the right, and yes, that is me on the left. As my boss said "Matt, that's only 75% of you." And he actually was exaclty right with his percentage. Anyways, I thought I'd share this picture with you, and I would post a video clip of us playing, but my parents love my sister more than me and they threw out all the videos they made of me in high school and college, while magically they can find my sisters.

Monday, March 10, 2008
Only In Missouri...Or West Virginia...Or Arkansas....OK Anywhere Where There Is White Trash
This was the truck parked right next to me at work today. Do the parents not realize how dangerous it is for a child to ride in that thing! I mean seriously, a toddler could reach over and get a hold of the anti-freeze or something, and we all know that isn't save!!!
(Click on the picture and it should enlarge)
Random Pics
Nothing big here, just some pics of what I've been up to the past few days. On Wednesdays I will occasionally go to Jerry's Bait Shop (it's a bar) in Lee's Summit for a little hump day break. Wow, I just said hump day. Anyways, this bar has an awesome cover band on Wednesdays called 90 Minutes, as they only play songs from the 1990's, as well as $5 pitchers and the best people watching anywhere. Joining me on this night was the lovely Heather A. on the left and the beautiful Holly on the right. Oh, and let's not forget poker player Scotty Nguyen on the TV.
I forget what was going on here, all I remember is that whatever it was, it gave me an excuse to touch Holly's ass. Thanks Holly, that's the most I've gotten in two months!!! But then she punched me. Sigh.
She made me miss my turn in Silver Strike.
I had people over on Saturday night, just a little house party. Here's Minks giving the Heavy Metal Horns, while Genz gives the...well, I think it's a cross between sign language for "I Love You" and something that I can't say since this is a family blog.
OK, so maybe it's not a family blog. The best thing here is the girls had no idea at first that Drew's ass was in the picture. And yes, the fine young lady who is closest to the o-ring is Drew's fiance Kallie.

Friday, March 7, 2008
Things That Annoy Me Right Now

- People that pronounce the word Chipotle, "Chi-pol-te." Look at the order of the words, people.
- People that use little rolly suitcase looking things to carry their laptop. Seriously, it weighs 3 pounds!!! They spend about 50% more time going anywhere because they have to set it up, worry about cracks in the sidewalk, lift it over curbs, being extra careful when going in and out of doors, etc.
- David Archuleta on American Idol. First off, you won Star Search, so quit acting like this is all a shock to you. Second, the crap about singing "Another Day In Paradise" because there are so many homeless people out there suffering or something like that? Let up dude, you're 17, chill out. Although he is from Utah, so maybe he is actually genuine. Third, is it just me or does he lick his lips every 3.5 seconds while he sings? Watch for it next time.
- The fact that every woman under the age of 26 and lives in Kansas City is married or has a boyfriend.
- People that leave anonymous posts on my blog and don't say their name. Just write your name at the end of the sentence. For example, "Matt, you are funny, smart, and good looking. I desperately want to make love to you - Erin Andrews." If you don't know who Erin Andrews is, please see above. If you don't know who Erin Andrews is and you are a male, once again, turn in your man card.
- Heather and Leah making promises that they don't keep. Ouch!!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Technical Difficulties
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