Well, match.com girl fizzled out and is no more. Oh well, that's life....and she can go f*ck herself.
Other than that, things are going well. Last friday I took off work early and went golfing with Killa and his cousin Danny (who I played club volleyball with in HS). Danny is the superintendant of the course we played on and Killa is one of his minions, so that was free, plus it was dollar beer Friday!!! Here I am mid-backswing. Some people call me the White Tiger.

Here is Killa, some call him the Brown Tiger. Wait a second...

That evening Killa, Tommy Brooks, and I went down to P & L. It just so happened that Aron "Barn" Barwick and his wife were in town and were hitting things up with some other Gracelanders. Here I am with Barn at PBR Big Sky, aka "the bar with the chicks wearing chaps."

Here I am with Mrs. Barwick, and for some reason we decided to do a couples pose.

Sunday we started working on the new patio again, and my future roomate Ben K. (and his truck) helped us out. You can see we are making process, and we should have it done by this Friday after we put the decorative rocks down. I'm already worried that I didn't take the sump pump pipe out far enough, so I may have to extend that at some point. However, I'll hope for the best since I'm having a party this Sunday to celebrate the new patio, Killa moving out/Ben K. moving in, and Blue Springs South vs Rockhurst being on ESPN. GO JAGS!!!

Well that's all for now, but this weekend should be fun filled. The Hoyt clan is making the trek down, and Katie and I are going to the American Idol concert on Friday. Hopefully I'll have a good time, instead of being pissed off that Dave Cook is making millions while I slave away in a cubicle all day and have to supplement my income by babysitting drunks...but I digress.
Hello Fellow Buckeyes Fan!
A few day before the season starts, I just wanted to say a friendly...
(++) GO BUCKS! (++)
Can you tell that I'm excited for Saturday's game? :) :) :)
Sorry we won't be around for Sunday's festivities- good luck on the landscaping. We should do a Fish and Matt- Ryan Carrie and Emerson spaghetti dinner again soon so I can see your progress! (Yes, I just invited myself over...) See you Friday!
Any Tuesday works for me for dinner- let's do it! The Fish and I work on Wednesday nights. You going to Zios with us tomorrow at noon?
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