- So girl number three from the last post, Courtney, didn't quite think of it as a date on Monday. What was I thinking assuming that two single people going out to dinner and then grabbing a drink, all while I pick up the tab, would be considered a date? How foolish of me. In her defense, it didn't start out as a for sure date, we were going to do lunch, then happy hour, and then it turned in to dinner. She could have at least made the fake "how much do I owe" dinner comment, not like a would have let her pay anyways. So, that basically leaves me with no prospects right now. Back to failing at match.com or something.
- Two more signs that I'm getting old. First, I went on my annual float trip last week (pictures soon, I promise), but we actually couldn't float at all due to rain and high water. What scared me is that while I had a really good time, it wasn't the highlight of my year like in the past. I actually had a better time once some of us bailed and stayed at a hotel room on Saturday night. I'm not sure what's going on here, but I don't like it.
Second, I for the first time ever took off flip flops last night to put on tennis shoes for no good reason. I have literally never done that in my life. Hell, I used to wear flip flops when it was snowing outside and 4 degrees out. Pretty soon I'm going to be taking metimucel and yelling at kids to get the hell off my lawn. Although it does bug me when the neighbor kids park their bikes in my yard...
Alright, for those of you that don't know my good friend Pat got suckered in to getting married a few weeks ago. He lives in Atlanta now with his bride, so some of us made the trek down there for the festivities. The highlight of the weekend for me was when the maid of honor, a gorgeous, sweet, innocent little Southern Belle, was saying how much she enjoyed "fluffing" the bride's dress, making sure the train didn't drag, get bunched up, etc. Hearing this girl go around saying what a great fluffer she was was hysterical. For you ladies out there who don't know what a fluffer is, it's one step down from p0rn star. Look it up. Also, this girl looked just like Cameron from the Real World if that gives you a visual.
Here is a shot during the ceremony, with myself being the groomsman second from the right. I am actually down a step there, and somehow I was the second tallest groomsman. Not sure what that says about Pat's friends. Ok, so I know I'm used to RLDS churches that are made of aluminum siding and have a basketball hoop behind the pulpet, but this historical Catholic church had the creepiest crusifiction thing ever. Complete with fake blood.
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