This weekend the parents and I met Katie, Carl, Carter, and the fetus in Des Moines for a fun filled 24 hour vacation. We ate, went swimming, ate some more, had some beers, met up with the Barwicks, ate a little more, and then headed home. I swear I have pictures (oh, I bought a new digital camera on Thursday), but I can't get the software to load correctly on my computer so those will have to wait. Mrs. Barwick, if you are reading this, send me some of your pics and I will post them.
Other than that, I think I am in the middle of the winter blues. I am still a little sick (going on day 11 now), I am frustrated with my job, I am as single as I was the day I was born w/ no prospects in sight, and it's freezing outside. I was actually in a worse mood yesterday, but then I worked a girls high school basketball game last night. Why did that cheer me up? Because I realize that no matter how bad my life gets, at least I don't have to watch high school girls basketball on a regular basis. That stuff is AWFULL!!! It is like regular basketball, except all of the exciting parts and athleticism are removed. Now I am all for womens sports, heck, I coach a girls vball team, but for the love of God, if you have a daughter, please steer her to soccer, volleyball, water polo, ANYTHING but basketball. Well, and maybe not softball either, we all know that softball players are butchy. Except for Jennie Finch. If you don't know who Jennie Finch is, please see above. If you don't know who Jennie Finch is and you are a male, please turn in your man-card immediately, your membership has been revoked.
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