- An observation about the guys and girls my age from DC: The guys are tools and the girls are way too smart. Every guy I saw had some combination of khaki pants, loafers, and/or hair with a side part. Every girl was no better than semi-cute and could actually carry on intelligent conversations. I am used to guys wearing cargo shorts and a tuxedo t-shirts, and girls being blonde, hot, and not really much to say. I think it has to do with people there actually getting good educations. For some reason I don't think that George Washington University or American University offer Physical Education or Fashion Merchindising as majors.
- So one night I went out to the Georgetown area of town and was eating dinner by myself and having a few drinks. A hot young lassie saddled up next to me at the bar, so I got a little happy. I was actually wearing a collared shirt (no loafers, though), so I thought I was in like flint. Well, then I noticed that the rock on her finger was so large it had to have flying buttresses to support it (look it up if you need to). Oh, and then her 40 year old husband sat down next to her. I'm guessing I wasn't her type anyways. And I bet she wasn't my type either, since she probably knew how to read and all.
- When I was waiting for my flight back to KC, I had the best end to the trip possible. While waiting at the Baltimore airport (yes, I flew out of Balitmore, it rocked!), I ran into Matthew Lesko. Who is Matthew Lesko you ask? He's the crazy mofo in commercials and late night infomercials that wears a bunch of question marks on his suit and says how you can get free government money for pretty much anything you can imagine. Once again, look him up if you don't know who he is.