Monday, April 7, 2008

Reasons I'm Becoming My Dad

1) I now have a skin tag on my neck.
2) I recently swept out my garage.
3) I find myself repeating stories to people.
4) I asked for new blinds to go in my bedroom for my birthday.
5) I have a fully develped second chin.
6) I constantly suggest/ask about baby names to Katie.

If I start making flower arrangements and writing hymns, someone please kill me. Although I am wanting to plant some tomatoes for this summer, and redecorate a little in my living room. Oh crap...


Mommy K said...

Just face ARE Dad. And I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I miss the Mac men & It's a good thing you're realizing it now :)

Lisa said...

Matt - I haven't laughed this hard in awhile! Loved the response to the non-responder as well. Never knew you were as witty with words as your Dad.

Anonymous said...

Kenny and hovered over the computer reading your blog, both laughing at your banter. Of course, when it came time to read about the similarities between you and your Dad, I was slapping the desk in laughter because I know both of you. I think it is time to consider a job in journalism or at least write a book about funny shit....I would buy it!